Shin is the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet; its value is 300, its element is fire, and summer is under its influence.
Shin is the initial of Shadai, the Guardian of the Gates of Israel. All mezuzah (Mezuzah (from the Hebrew מזוזה "threshold") is the name of a Torah commandment that orders a small roll of parchment to be affixed to the doorstep) has a Shin letter engraved from the outside. Shalom also begins with Shin and, more than to mean peace, we have in Shalom (considered one of the CREATOR TITLES) a state of fullness ...
The three pillars that can be seen in its form are interpreted as the columns of the Tree of Life: Love, Fear and Equilibrium. Seen like three letters Vav united by the base, when we add them we obtain the 18-pillar, which is the same as Chai (life). Thus the fire of Shin is the fire of life, of constant and permanent faith. Remembering that Yahweh manifested Himself to Mehshuah (Moses) in a burning BUSH.
Shin is also associated with Shein (tooth) because, just as the teeth grind the food so that it can be digested, Shin "chews" the SCRIPT, so that its teachings can be absorbed by the mind and the heart. According to the Kabbalah, Ain Soph is a principle which remains unmanifested and incomprehensible to human intelligence. (The Sefirot is the ten emanations of Ain Soph in the Kabbalah. From this principle the Sefirot emanate in succession.This succession of emanations forms the tree of life ....) Chochma (wisdom) and Bina (understanding): Chochma's wisdom is chaotic until it is organized by Bina; the Bina discernment is useless without Chochma as a parameter. Shin establishes a communication between one thing and another. In the body, Chochma and Bina correspond to the right and left sides of the brain.
Still bringing to the letter Shin attributes of words that it initiates, we have Shiná (change) and Shana (year). By combining these two elements, we must make of our years an ongoing process of change to bring Shin into our lives. The summer (last season before Rosh HaShanah, the New Hebrew year), ruled by Shin, is a phase of maturity, in which the Hebrew people must show what they have learned in the studies of previous seasons. It is the months where the Shechinah-pronounced xerrináh (Presence of YAH, word also initiated by Shin) is hidden, forcing the disciple's commitment in the revelation of the truth.
When one day is equal to the other in succession, this means that we are entangled by the angel of death. Kabbalah recompenses the meditation on the letter Shin to ward off negative energies, evoking guardians around them, and rescuing their spiritual heritage. Shin also awakens Simchá-pronuncia simrá) (joy), which is one of the attributes of Bina - when we live in a state of joy, everything makes sense, everything fits, all our needs are fulfilled
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