domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2021

Calendario-equinocio- embolistico lua nova abril 2021(calendar-equinox-embolistic new moon april 2021)

 Let's review the cycle of the month because these movements are interconnected

re: Earth, sun and moon are clock hands in the sky, which mark days months and years since creation

on the 1st day of creation the earth was placed in a rotating position around it so that there was day and night!because each day and a complete rotation movement around the sun

 On the fourth day these sun and moon stars were placed in their proper position with reference to the FOURTH DAY

: the moon is always full, and yes it is a star that reflects the sunlight, it has no light of its own!

According to the sunlight, it "hits" - we here on earth visualize different angles ...

: in the first week of each month the moon appears every day more beautiful !!!

The fourth day of creation she is a beauty !!!

 the moon was revealed and without a doubt the malachim-angels were explaining to Adam the movement and how they marked the days ...

 the other week he followed the moon growing and getting more and more beautiful - which happened during his first observation, and by the end of this week it was totally full! Grateful surprise !!!

this was the moon that Adam saw in his first week of observation in life!

 Day 15 - Shabbat

the other day after the full moon it starts to wane ... reaching the end of it in the middle as in the first week ... going to a sunset, getting thin each day until disappearing on the last dark day, ending the month!

 There is only one day that the moon does not appear! (in the Gregorian calendar, it's called the new moon)! This is the last The first crescent is the beginning of the month - it is the Rosh chodesh - which means head of the month - first new moon - this little fillet marks a new beginning!

 And it will grow in the next 15 days, where it will be in alignment, sun, moon and earth

 Each stage has its unique and perfect beauty!

 rosh is the principle

Each month has a Rosh - which means head and head!

 rosh chodesh - is the beginning of each month!

 Rosh chodesh is the first crescent moon - the first day of each month!

The month is a cycle that closes from each rosh chodesh to the dark moon which is the last day of the month!

As soon as it was above their heads at the very beginning of the first Shabbat

re: rosh is the principle

: rosh chodesh - is the beginning of each month!

just like the equinox is the milestone of the last day of the year!

each start of the year has a "Rosh" - Rosh hashanah!

: the dark moon is the landmark of the last day of the month !!!

 when you are going to draw a circle, you fix the pencil at a starting point and end at the same point!

 the month is a circular movement, with an exit point (crescent moon) and an arrival point in the dark moon!

the year is a circular movement, with a starting point at the equinox and a new moon - spring (in the northern hemisphere) at the same point on the other equinox!

So close the circle!

 Can rosh hashanah happen BEFORE the EQUINOX day ????

 YEA! It can happen up to 1 or 2 days before - never more than that! At least that's what we've seen for the past 30 years !!!


because, it is the equinox that brings the grain ripening phenomenon to the Abibe coin

including Abib or Aviv means spring!

 the month is a closed circle

the year is a closed circle

 this year the circle closes on the 20th of March and the year begins on the next "new moon" where we will have Rosch hashanah - new year!

The equinox that marks the harvest in the first ripe ears begins the month called Abib (spring-or month of the ears) happens this year on March 20/21 in the Gregorian calendar!

It is like the 13th month of the current year of the Criaodr Ulhim calendar!

It ended on March 13th, the Roish Hashanah was for after the equinox!

And it will be on April 11 in the calendar of Pope Gregorio XIII and the beast 666!

Since the prophetic word said that this power would change the calendar and the feasts (moadim-de Ulhim) ... Danyahu 7; 25 He will speak proud words against the Most High, blaspheme the name of the Most High, and will resist the kadoshim of the Most High, and will take care to change the luach shanah [calendar of the Eternal] the Fixed Feasts [moedim], and the Instruction [Torah]. And the kadoshim will be delivered to your hands one time, two times and half a time.

Summary ... this year has the 13th month and it is an embolistico year!

Ivonil ferreira  de carvalho-s paulo Brasil

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2021

O Pai Nosso em hebraico - Transliterado

 O Pai Nosso em hebraico - Transliterado

Abinu ShabaShamayim
(Nosso Pai Celestial)

Yikdash Shmecha
(Que o Teu Nome seja Venerado)

Tavo Malchutecha
(Que o Teu Reino venha)

Ye'aseh Retzonechah
(Que a Tua Vontade seja feita)

Kmoh baShamayim Ken Baaretz
(No Céu e também na Terra)
Es Lechem Chukeinu Ten Lanu Hayom
(Dá-nos hoje o nosso pão diário)

U'Slach Lanu Es Chovateinu Kaasher Salachnu
(E perdoa nossos débitos como perdoamos)

Gam Anachnu LaChayaveinu
(também os nossos devedores)

V'al Tvi'einu Lidey Nisayon
(E não nos conduza à tentação)

Ki im Chaltzeinu Min Harah
(Mas livra-nos do maligno)

Ki L'chah haMamlachah
(Pois Teu é o Reino)

(E o poder)

(E esplendor (ou beleza))

L'almei olamim
(para sempre)


domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2021

Calendário luni-solar e o Yom shevií menu-yah-o 7º DIA de descanso de YAH...espanhol

¿Tú que dices que ... odia la idolatría y comete sacrilegio?

Al netzarino en Roma 2; 22.

No es razonable inclinarse por la Torá para aborrecer los ídolos de Dios y Jesús. Y al mismo tiempo guardar el sábado del Papa Gregorio XIII.

Eso es sacrilegio y decir llamado shalom en estos dias de sabado de la bestia 666 es una enorme blasfemia !!!

Desastre para los Yahudim no observantes

A netzarin en Roma 2:17 Mira, porque tú eres llamado yahud, quien confías en la Instrucción de la Torá, y haces tu exhibición en tu Ulhim.

18 Quien conoce Su voluntad y aprueba las cosas excelentes, siendo instruido en la Instrucción de la Torá.

19 que confían en que tú mismo eres guía de los ciegos espirituales, luz de los que están en tinieblas,

20 que se ve a sí mismo como un instructor de los necios, un rabino de niños, se ve a sí mismo como un modelo del da'at vemet [conocimiento y verdad] que se encuentra en la Instrucción de la Torá.

21 Tú, pues, que enseñas a otro, ¿no te enseñas también a ti mismo?

Calendario luni-solar y Yom shevií menujá-el séptimo día de descanso de YHVH ..