sábado, 13 de abril de 2019

Teaching Shabbat-ingles

Teaching Shabbat!

Lunar-solar calendar of the third month of the year 5988-note that in this month 3 the shabbah falls from the sunset of the Gregorian Monday to that of the da da da 3ª

Teaching Shabbat!

[Dalet] 4th.

Remember the Yom Ha-Shabat, for the shomer (observe) as kadosh.

 Six days you will work, and you will do all your work:

But the seventh day is the Shabbat of YAHVEH יהוה your Ulhim: in him you will not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your servant, nor your flock, nor your foreigner who is inside of your doors:

For in six days YAHVEH יהו ment made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in it, and rested on the seventh day; therefore YAHVEH יהוה blessed the Sabbath day, and sanctified it.

Shemot (Ex.) 20: 8 to 11

The Sabbath is the fourth instruction among ten received by Mehshuah (Moses) on Mount Sinai, on the 9th day of the third month, one day after the Sabbath ...

It was given to the Hebrew people, but not only foreigners should observe how even the animals.

Embedded in the Sabbath is the biological / physical, mental / emotional blessing and a level of communication with the things concerning our rukha (the most excellent and sacred things) received in this rest.

The concept of rest does not mean "sleep", but regeneration, restructuring and readjustment. And this was in the form of a pact, an alliance, a promise ...

All the Hebrew letters and words have several meanings, and the word shabbat is written with the letters shim, bet and tav.

Shim - means, fire

Bet - means, house / inside

Tav. - means, pact / alliance

Then we have the phrase within the word: Covenant / Covenant of fire within! And that is clearer when we read the verse:

So the children of Yahshorul (Israel) will keep the Sabbath to observe it in their generations, by perpetual covenant.

Between me and the children of Yahshorul, it is a sign forever, because in six days he made the heavens and the earth, on the seventh day he felt satisfied. Shemot (Ex.) 20: 8 to 11

This is the only one among the commandments, which brings his name and describes him as the Creator of the heavens and the earth ... That is why heaven and earth are necessary to observe this day within the calendar.

The Shabbat guard has rules, given by the Creator, to determine this day!

1 Thus says the Sovereign YAHVEH יהוה; The interior atrium door, facing east, will be closed during the six days of work; but on Shabbat, it will open, and the day of Rosh Chodesh - New Moon will open ...

3 In like manner the people of the earth will worship at the entrance of this gate before יהוה on Shabbat and on the New Moon.

The New Moon is the head of the month, that is, the first day of each month of the year. Contrary to what the Gregorian calendar indicates, the New Moon is when, for the first time in the month, the moon is sighted.

In the beginning of your months, you will offer holocaust, (detailing the offer) ... this and the holocaust of the New Moon of each month, for all the months of the year. No. 28:11 and 14

Every day 01 (first) is New Moon in the time account of the Eternal!

Now see well the instruction above, the door of the Temple would be open for worship on the Sabbath and on the New Moon.

Being the New Moon the first day 01, it is followed by 6 working days with the door of the Temple closed, and the seventh day opens again ...

When you spend these 6 days on the sixth day at sunset you look up and you will see the moon changing its phase, in a perfect growing quarter, announcing the arrival of the Sabbath.

So each Sabbath is the seventh day after the New Moon, so in the Scriptures, Shabbat and New Moon always go together!

More than 6 working days in the seventh the moon will be fully filled, but seven days in its waning quarter and seven more days is in the conjunction in 29-day months and in the last waning in 30-day months, since the moon It takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 min. and 33 sec. in his revolution around the earth. So in the Creator's calendar and the days are fixed, and the Moon governs the month and the weeks!

Every day our body comes to rest at dusk, the penal gland that is inside the brain emits signals for the production of the hormone of rest, melatonin, so that our brain is perfectly tuned to the rotational movements! Only it is not only with this movement that is tuned, it also happens the same with the movement of translation so we see our physical changes every year that passes ... But we want to rate that the Shabbat, is tuned to our brain through the movement of "lunation". Not only our body, but also plants, fish, birds, all animals ...

On the Sabbath day the body has a recovery beyond 8 o'clock at night, but when you are in tune with the Creator there is a recovery in your whole being of 16 hours more!

That happens in fish, birds, animals and plants!

We always wish shalom to everyone on this day!

Shabbat Shalom brings the meaning in

Ivonil ferreira de Carvalho

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